Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 11: Forced Choice

Lopez-Estrada, Saul E.
This is my own blog, because of this I don’t need to read it to know that I met the requirements. I made a big effort to have all 20 quotes. I think I was one of only a handful of students to actually get 20 quotes in their final project. This is why I weigh this highly in the overall standing. It may be a bit arrogant to place myself at the top, but I feel I did a great job with my final project.

Alberto, Kristine M.
Kristine’s blog was very well put together. The word count for her final project well exceeded the minimum amount, almost to the point of being too much, but it kept me engaged long enough to read without becoming boring.

Diamond, Vivian
Vivian only had 14 quotes in her final project. This was just shy of the required amount, for that reason she moves down this list slightly. Other than that she did a great job. The word count is there and the narrative conveys a strong sense of presence and voice. It was easy to identify the quotes due to the text being red versus the standard white text of the rest of her blog.

Jones, C. J.
C.J. finds herself closer to the top of my list for the final project. If only for the fact that she attempted to make the quotes fit her written composition. I hold the quotes in high regard on this project due to the difficulty it was in finding something relevant from the book. I had trouble with it, so when I see a student make the effort and get it right it pleases me. She also gets kudos for formatting the quotes well enough for me to find with ease. Her questions were also very clearly written.

Oya, Korsyca Ln
Korsyca’s blog was very well written. It was a pleasure to read, but difficult to identify the quotes. She formatted her questions in a manner that I appreciate and allow for interpretation and argument of the law. For this Korsyca earns a part in the top half of my list.

Nolan, Stanley S.
Stanley earned a spot in the middle of the list, toward the top, because she met the requirements, but the formatting was off. She included 15 quotes, maybe more, but I had a hard time identifying them because they were very well blended into the main body of the text. I do appreciate she had all her labels in place and the questions were formatted clearly so I could read them and interpret her thought process on my own.

Mukaya, Adam
Adam earns a spot near the middle of the pile, but closer to the top. He was one of my group members, so I know the types of questions he asked his attorney. This, however, doesn’t serve anyone else that was not a member of the group. The questions are not explicitly formatted for ease of reading. Also, his quotes were oddly formatted. Some of the words were a black font that was easily identifiable against the body of the main text. The problem I had is that he only used that formatting on a few words, instead of the entire quote. I wish I could have had him closer to the top of the pile.

Rodriguez-Delgado, Leslie
Leslie’s blog didn’t have quite as many quotes as I would have liked to see, but the quotes that were there and formatted in such a way that they were easy to identify and read. They were also relevant.

Cassaro, Christina R.
Christina’s blog was interesting to read due to the fact that it’s very obvious it is her blog. Her voice and presence combine to make it as if she were right in front of me speaking aloud. As for the final project, I would have liked to see more. It seems she ran short on time with finding an attorney and ultimately it worked against her. The answers to the questions don’t appear to come from an attorney due to the lack of legalese. She also only had a handful of quotes instead of the required 20.

Calesing, Katherine Gaerlan
Katherine was part of my group when we were developing the questions. So her questions were very similar to mine. Unfortunately she didn’t supply the 20 quotes that were asked of the assignment, so I have no choice but to place her somewhere in the middle of the pile. I did, however, get a strong sense of her presence in her writing and for that she earns a bit more kudos from me.

Chester, Lonnie O.
I would have wanted to place Lonnie higher on this list. I rather enjoyed reading his blog, because of his writing style. It was very engaging and kept me interested in reading more. Unfortunately he didn’t format his questions well, so I had a hard time identifying them. That fact actually turned me off to his blog. I didn’t read that specific post because it was frustrating. Also, I didn’t see any quotes. If he did put some quotes he should have changed the color of the text.

Fernandez, Joanne
Joanne’s blog was a little short on the word count. Reading it I had a hard time identifying the quotes that were used. I don’t know if there were 20 quotes or not, because they are not formatted differently from the standard text in the blog. Trying to figure this out while staring at white text on a dark gray background causes my eyes to strain and it turned me off from reading the blog altogether.

Klatsky, Rebekah Anne
Rebekah’s blog was slightly confusing to me. I know the subject matter for the class is Intellectual Property law, but some of her questions seemed to be more familiar to marriage law. I don’t know why she opted to ask those types of questions. For this reason she gets moved closer to the bottom of this list. Also, her quotes were formatted in such a way that they were hard to identify and read. This is important to me so that I can see how relevant they are.

Fernandez, Ryan Louis
Ryan is closer to the bottom of the list for a couple of reasons. First of all, his quotes were all but non-existent. I think I probably spotted 4 or 5, but the formatting was so similar to the regular text that I had a hard time finding and counting them. I know how hard it was to find a way to match a quote to the body of the text we were all writing for our final project. When a student doesn’t even put the effort to meet the 20 quote mark then it just turns me off. The other reason he’s closer to the bottom of the list is that the questions weren’t formatted properly either. I would have liked to read each question clearly, with an opportunity to reflect on the reason why he would have asked such a question. Instead he described why the questions mattered. I think he may have misinterpreted the project requirements.

Reaze, Shantay
I was very disappointed with Shantay’s final project. It was well below standard as she didn’t post all 5 blog entries. She also did not include an ample amount of quotes. It saddens me to see my friend do so poorly on this assignment. I know how much it’s worth and I wish to see her excel, but I cannot grant credit where it is not earned. Sorry ‘Tay! I still love you friend!

Crissman, Jake Albert
Jake was instantly moved down below the majority of the class with regards to his final project. The reason is his lack of labels. Without labels it makes it more difficult for us to find the final project and read it. This is something that we all knew we needed at the beginning of class. Upon further reading of his final project I realize that it was only half done. Some posts are non-existent while others are only half complete. Also, his quotes are so awkwardly formatted that they are difficult to identify and actually hurt his written composition. It would have helped him greatly to change the color of the quotes instead of simply making them bold.

Armellino, Stephen Joesph
Stephen’s blog earned a spot near the bottom of the pile due to the fact that his labels were missing. I know it was a requirement that we all should have had done by no later than week two. Upon further investigation it turns out he didn’t even do his final project. The only blog post for his final project is the first one, about finding the lawyer, and even that one is only about 1 sentence.

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